Solving Odor and Contamination Problems


99.99999% Sanitized, Odor Free, Mold Effective

  • Odor Removal of Smoke Odors

  • Odor Removal for Curry and Cooking Odors

  • Odor Removal for Pet Odors

  • Car, Truck, Boat, & Travel Trailer Odors and Sanitizing

  • Mold and Mildew Treatment

  • Germ and Infection Control

  • Post-Flood and Post-Fire Odor Removal

  • Allergy Abatement

  • MCS Relief by Neutralizing VOCs, TICs. and Chemical Residue

  • Real Estate Odor Removal and Sanitizing

  • Apartment Turnovers

  • Restaurant Sanitizing & Odor Removal

  • Destroys the Biofilm where Germs Hide

  • Animal Shelters, Pet Day Care or Boarding, Veterinarian Sanitizing

  • Office buildings, Theaters, and Workplaces

Facility Awards for Excellence in Cleaning

For our faithful customers who regularly treat their facilities with Decon Five products, we offer an innovative process that removes the biofilm where germs hide.  Biofilms are everywhere and on every surface in your building. Normal cleaning cannot remove years of biofilm growth that can lead to increased exposure to viruses and bacteria.  OMG Sanitized creates a healthy facility where germs cannot survive, multiply, and spread.

To earn this certificate and seal, the facility adds the Decon Five treatment to their diligent cleaning efforts.

Our Decon Five products go beyond cleaning or even deep cleaning.  The stunning power of our products will neutralize the bacteria, pathogens, and pollutants that hide on surfaces.  Sanitizers kill germs, but our process strips the habitat of environmental threats and washes them away for a clean and healthy environment without chemical residue.

Michael Richmond
I am a digital marketing specialist that knows a thing or 2 about creating businesses.

Maximum Cleaning with Decon Five